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Calendar of Events 2009

Name of event
Organiser and contact address
National Cave Expedition For Remapping Of Bacho Kiro Cave
Drjanovo town
Dabrovo distr. Bulgaria
28 February – 3 March
BFS - Alexey Zhalov: alex@speleo.bg.com; bfs@abv.bg
Celebration of 80 Anniversary of organized caving and speleology
Sofia, Bulgaria
20 – 21 March
BFS - Alexey Zhalov: alex@speleo.bg.com; bfs@abv.bg
International spelo race on 45m high building
Domzale, Slovenia
19 April
Speleo Club Simon Robic - Domzale;
Ales Strazar: ales.strazar@helios.si
Cave Rescue Training Stage (SALVASPEO)
Podisul Mehedinti - Romania
SRS/CORSA – Tudor Marin, tudormarin2004@ gmail.com
Cave Topography and Cartography Training Stage
Closani, jud. Gorj - Romania
5 – 11 April
SRSC/ISER – Marius Vlaicu, mariusv.iser@gmail.com
National School of Cannoning
Valea Cernei- Romania
3 - 10 May
Asociatia Romana de Canioning; Felix Paiu, felixpapiu@yahoo.com
Oradea - Romania
28-31 May
FRS – Claudia Szabo, claudiasz117@yahoo.com
National Anniversary Caving Camp
Shiroko pole vill. Kardzhali disrt.-Bulgaria
11-14 June
BFS - Alexey Zhalov: alex@speleo.bg.com; bfs@abv.bg
3 rd Cavers’Camp of Balkan Countries
Antalia - Turkey
24-28 June
TCU - Meltem Pancarci: meltempan@hotmail.com
Training Stage Biospeleology
Closani, jud. Gorj- Romania
6 – 12 July
SRSC/ISER – Raluca Ioana Bancila, bancila_ralucaioana@ yahoo.com
Training Stage Karstology
Closani, jud. Gorj- Romania
6 – 12 July
SRSC/ISER – Cristian Mihai Munteanu, criscarst@yahoo.com
National School of Speleology
Padis-Caput Area- Romania
24 July - 2 August
SRS/ARES - Felix Papiu, felixpapiu@yahoo.com
Training Stage Karstology
Closani, jud. Gorj- Romania
6 – 12 July
SRSC/ISER – Cristian Mihai Munteanu, criscarst@yahoo.com
Speleo camp "Izvor Miljacke"
Sarajevo - Bosnja I Hercegovina
24 July – 02 August
Bosnia I Hercegovina Admir Bajraktarevic", admir.bajraktarevic@ bhtelecom.ba
Training Stage Karstology
Closani, jud. Gorj- Romania
6 – 12 July
SRSC/ISER – Cristian Mihai Munteanu, criscarst@yahoo.com
National Cave exploration expedition “Pirin”
Pirin Mt. - Bulgaria
23 August – 10 September
BFS - Alexey Zhalov: alex@speleo.bg.com; bfs@abv.bg
National Congress of Speleology
TBD - Romania
23 - 28 September
FRS - Viorel Lascu, violascu@spelemat.ro
PROTEUS’2009 (International cave rescue training)
26 September- 4 October
Speleo Club Simon Robic - Domzale;
Ales Strazar: ales.strazar@helios.si
National Exploration Camp Retezat 2009
Campusel, Retezat Mountins- Romania
C.S. Rinolophus Lupeni – Stefan Militaru, stefan.militaru@yahoo.com
The second national meeting for children speleo schools
Domzale Slovenia
Speleo Club Simon Robic - Domzale;
Ales Strazar: ales.strazar@helios.si

Simon Robič caving society Domžale
Cešminova 19
1230 Domžale

Simon Robic caving society Domžale organizes the 5th annual competition in SINGLE ROPE TECHNIQUE (PRUSIKING/JUGGING) on Sunday, 19 April 2009 at 10.00 am. The competition takes place in Vir pri Domžalah at the Žito grain elevator.

The competitors ascend 45 meters high, using ascenders. After the first 10 metres they pass the anchor.

The qualifying rounds are at 10.00 am. The best eight qualify for the finals at 13.30 pm. In the finals the competitors compete against each other in pairs. The winner qualifies for the next round.

On the day of the competition 20 EUR

Apply to ales.strazar@helios.si or +386 41 909 949.

The organizer has the right to examine the skills in rope technique before the start of the competition.

Aleš S. Stražar,
Cave Rescue Instructor
The head of Simon Robič caving society Domžale


Zmaja od Noćaja 9
11000 Beograd, Srbija

Tel: +381 63 350 823
FAX: +381 11 234 98 57

